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How to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way - Tips that work!

Weight loss has always been a sensitive topic mainly because of what we are told is 'ideal'. There will always be someone out there to tell you that you could lose weight in a certain number of days or that you could get to a certain body type just by doing what they did. First of all, everyone’s body is quite different. From our general body shapes to the way we react to food and diets, everybody has their own way of doing things and would benefit a lot if they went with what suits them instead of copying someone else.

Weight loss guidelines

The people we look up to give us tips for weight loss. They should just be guides to lead us in the right direction, not to be mimicked step by step and then expect the exact same results! This is the easiest way to sink into depression! You will find that when such a person does not achieve their expectations they would most likely resort to diet pills and other chemical based solutions in order to get to this 'ideal' body quicker, a step that does more harm than good.

Losing weight is very personal. Your body should be allowed to naturally adjust instead of being rushed by society’s expectations or your own unrealistic goals.

Sustainable weight loss tips

As we have mentioned earlier, allow your body to adjust to this new routine, a day at a time. You are more likely to lose weight if you remain consistent over a period of time, so it’s better to be patient. Many would for instance exercise for a week or so and if they do not see any change they would immediately give up. Remember, weight loss is a process and not a one time event that just happens!

Eat well, hydrate and exercise. You may start slow and pick up with time depending on the speed your body allows you to keep up. For instance, your exercise routines can be scheduled according to your working hours. How long can you stay in the gym? Or would it be better if you opted for a 30 minute walk from work? It would save you the money while giving you time to clear your head out in the open as well.

Avoid starving yourself in an attempt to cut down your food intake. You are more likely to lose weight if you cut down on snacking in between meals and ensuring that the food you eat is well balanced rather than junk. Drink lots of water for a good detox routine, a healthy metabolism and to keep your stomach full without necessarily packing up on the calories.

Just to recap on what we have already said, be patient. It may not happen overnight, but your persistence will definitely lead you in the right direction. Avoid shortcuts that promise you quick results to avoid disappointments and to also keep your health intact. You do not want to get rid of one problem only to welcome a serious health condition. If you are serious about losing weight, then it’s about time you let go of the norms and embrace a routine that is perfect for you and your body. You may look at what others are doing for guidelines but do not expect to get the exact same results. Who knows, yours might even be better!

Overweight and Obesity over 50

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