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Do I have Vertigo? Signs or Symptoms and Treatments for it

Confused on whether you might be suffering from Vertigo? Worry less because this article will tell all about what you might need to know of Vertigo. To begin with, vertigo is a symptom rather than a condition. One third of the old people above 65 years have experienced this symptoms in their life since it is very common with the old people.

What is vertigo?

Vertigo has been interchangeably used with dizziness, but these two are very different. Dizziness is a
faint feeling or feeling of a light head. Vertigo is more severe than dizziness and people who suffer from vertigo can neither walk nor drive. To make it more simple to you, high chances are that you experienced induced vertigo when you were young. Kids like inducing vertigo by spinning in circles. You will actually feel as if you are moving round and every object around you is spinning. Or even the feeling you get after getting off from a merry-go-round. So, vertigo can be defined as a sensation of spinning. A person experiencing vertigo feels as if the world is spinning, he himself or the objects around him.

What are the causes of Vertigo?

Vertigo is usually caused by inner ear problems such as infection. Some of the commonly known causes include:

Labyrinthitis - this is an inner ear infection. This can be caused by irritation of the labyrinths which are responsible for sending the impulses to brain leading to incorrect messages being send, hence one feels drowsiness hence vertigo.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) - certain head movements may trigger vertigo.
Vestibular neuronitis- This is as a result of Inflammation within the inner ear. Meniere's disease, Acoustic neuroma , Multiple sclerosis, Neck injury, head damage. Migraines- this is severe headache.

Symptoms of Vertigo

If true you are suffering from vertigo, you will usually experience disorientation of motion. If you experience any or all of these symptoms, then there is a high chance that you have vertigo. These symptoms include; Spinning - one feel as if he is spinning or objections around him are spinning.
Swaying, Tilting Feeling, unbalanced Feeling as if you are being pulled to one direction, Dizziness.

Other symptoms of Vertigo include:

Headache feeling, Sick, Nausea and Vomiting, Sweating.

Nystagmus - Abnormal or jerking eye movements loss of hearing or rigging of eyes.
These symptoms usually last for some minutes or even hours. They can come for some moment and then disappear. In other cases the symptoms are constant depending on the severity of the vertigo. The cause of the symptoms may be triggered by head movement or even change of your head position. When one experiences these symptoms, it might be difficult to walk or even drive since the level of consciousness decreases. You might also have body weakness, be unable to speak, have visual problems or experience hearing problems.

 It is therefore advisable if you experience these symptoms to seek medical advice from your doctor with immediate effect. It should be noted that these symptoms can lead to severe conditions with time such as stroke and trauma.

What are the treatments of Vertigo?

The symptoms of vertigo have been reported to have improved over time with no prior medication. However, some patients have experiences repeated episodes of these symptoms over many weeks, months and others even for years. It is therefore advisable if you experience these symptoms over some time to seek medical care in order to avoid serious conditions in the future. It is better prevention than cure.

The treatment of vertigo depends on its cause. Some commonly used medicines include meclizine, antihistamines and prochlorperazine. These medicines are helpful at the early stage of vertigo. You can also do some easy head movements referred to as Epley maneuver to correct BPPV. There is also vestibular Rehabilitation training for patients with balance and dizziness problems.

There are also some self care practices that your doctor can advise you to undertake such as:

Simple exercises in order to correct the symptoms. Raise your head a little bit while sleeping by use of more than one pillow. Avoid bending too low while picking an item on the ground. Try not to extend your neck for instant when reaching to high places to take something. Do not move your head too fast as you do your daily activities. Do more exercises so as to trigger the symptoms and get your brain used to them.

There is no need to worry if you have vertigo symptoms since it is very high curable if all these treatments are undertaken. Just go see the doctor if you suspect to be having vertigo and for sure you will get some help.

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