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Lost Your Peripheral Vision? Exercises to Help Get it Back

 Have you ever been sitting in a bright room and noticed that the bright light is affecting your peripheral vision? You probably thought that it's not possible to get more of your peripheral vision back, but did you know that it actually can be regained through eye exercises?

Here Are Some Exercises for Lost Peripheral Vision

1. Track a Lighted Penlight with Only Your Eyes

Hold a penlight at arm's length, then slowly draw the light toward your eyes. Try to keep your head still; only move your eyes and focus on following the flashing light with your gaze. Once you can consistently track the lighted object using only your eyes, hold a finger or pencil about 12 inches (30 cm) from one eye, then draw it slowly toward your eyes.

Repeat this exercise several times a day, trying to move the lighted object or finger closer each time.

2. Roll Your Eyes in Circles

This may sound funny, but rolling your eyes in circles is actually an eye exercise that encourages both sides of your eye muscles to work together equally.

To do this, look up toward the ceiling. Then, roll your eyes in a clockwise circle five times and then counterclockwise five times. Repeat these steps several times per day to encourage improved eye muscle control and better use of both sides of your eyes.

3. Practice Shifting Your Focus

This exercise will help you improve your ability to shift your focus between objects that are up close and far away.

To try it, hold a book about 14 inches (35 cm) from your face, with the spine facing you. Cover one eye with your hand and begin reading the book with an open eye. When you find yourself struggling to read without having to strain your eyes, close the book and hold it at arm's length. Continue reading the material from this distance.

If you notice that your vision starts to blur as you shift from close to far distances, try again with a smaller book or magazine because objects that are very close may be too challenging for now.

4. Identify Letters on an Eye Chart

An eye chart is an important tool that can help your eye doctor determine if you're experiencing any loss of vision. Many people are familiar with the standard eye chart used in schools to test children's vision; it includes lines of letters that get progressively smaller toward the bottom of the chart. Try using one at home by placing it about 20 feet (6 meters) away from you and standing in front of it with your arms at your sides. Then, identify the smallest set of letters that you can make out to ensure that your vision is still sharp.

5. Try Tele-optics Eye Exercises

Tele-optics eye exercises are a series of specific movements designed to exercise the muscles of the eye so that they can return to a more natural alignment. Tele-optics exercises include a variety of techniques, from those that encourage your eyes to work together as a team to those that help eliminate some vision obstacles by simply changing how you use your eyes.

Eye care professionals, such as ophthalmologists, optometrists, and orthoptists, can teach you Tele-optics exercises to help improve your vision. It is good to practice peripheral vision care exercises frequently to ensure that you are doing them correctly. Practice these exercises for lost peripheral vision one or two times each day and you may be on your way to regaining it.

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