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Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause does not make a great entrance into the life of a woman. There are a number of physical, mental and emotional changes before the onset of menopause. There is no textbook market that lets you know that you are approaching menopause. At the beginning of perimenopause, each woman experiences these specific changes in the nature of her body. But the general signs of menopause would be the following.

The most likely phases of menopause are between 42 and 56 years. Women tend to lose their fertility; You will not have your period and these changes are really unique when you go into the maternity phase. The stage of menopause does not mean that you are getting older. The positive aspect is that life can now be fully lived without worries.

Symptoms of Menopause

All women will experience different signs of menopause and, on average, will live more than 20 years after menopause. Menopause is commonly called the "change of life" because you go from being fertile to being sterile. Menopause is caused by a decrease in the production of estrogen in the body and occurs gradually over several years or more. The decrease in estrogen increases the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. It also increases the appearance of osteoporosis. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women.

However, there is a help. There are many things you can do to increase the level of moisture in your
vagina. For example, there are over-the-counter lubricants. Although these can be sticky, they help. That is, as long as you are not allergic to it. To avoid this, make sure that the lubricant you choose does not contain perfume. Another common problem you may have is incontinence when you sneeze, cough or laugh. Suddenly you may feel an intense need to go that you can not control. This can cause anxiety in all places where there are no toilets nearby.

Many women use hormone replacement therapy to relieve the symptoms of perimenopause. Estrogen injections are effective in eliminating uncomfortable symptoms, but they have also been shown to increase the risk of other problems such as heart disease and certain types of cancer. A sign of menopause that has been at the center of bursts of laughter and misconceptions is the presence of hot flashes. Therefore, a woman in transition after menopause suffers a very uncomfortable and sudden increase in the overall temperature of her body. The way to deal with this sometimes disturbing sign of menopause is to wear layers of clothing that can be "removed" when hot flashes are felt.

Depression is one of the main concerns of menopause. A woman may feel particularly vulnerable at this stage due to thoughts of hopelessness and anxiety. You can do certain things to reduce the symptoms of menopause. To cool hot flashes, you can exercise regularly, apply layers and try to determine the cause of your hot flashes. For some women, spicy or hot foods, alcohol, and heat can trigger hot flashes. Post-menopause is described at a time after a woman's ovaries become inactive. This age or stage of menopause takes place usually after the last monthly cycle of the woman, and most signs of menopause seem to have decreased.

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